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BlogBlogWhy A Car Title Loan May Be Your Best Option

Why A Car Title Loan May Be Your Best Option

Car On BeachFor years you have suffered with your credit. Some late payments here and a few medical bills there have left you with a subpar credit history that makes the prospects of a conventional loan nearly impossible. To make matters worse, an occasion arises where you need access to emergency funds and your rainy day fund has all but dried up. If this description is you, do not fret. There is hope and a solution.

Car title loans are the perfect alternative for those who are in need of emergency cash and who have a less than admirable credit history. Embassy Loans of Florida, for example, can complete a vehicle title loan in as little as an hour and solve your financial emergency. Here is how it works.

Unlike traditional forms of borrowing, a car title loan does not require background checks, credit history checks, and the other mounds of paperwork involved with a conventional loan. If a borrower has a vehicle with a clear title, he or she can complete a title loan. The vehicle is offered as collateral as opposed to an unsecured loan from a bank or credit union where approval is based upon one’s ability to repay a loan. The fact that the vehicle is used as collateral allows the lender to forgo any background or credit checks. This speeds up the process.

Typically, a title loan borrower can complete an application in just a few minutes. At Embassy Loans, for example, borrowers can complete the application online or in person. The borrower will need to produce the vehicle, its title, and a form of photo identification. Once completed, the vehicle will need to be inspected. Embassy Loans has over 20 convenient locations around the state of Florida for potential borrowers. The car is matched to the title and then appraised for value.

With the title and value confirmed, the loan can be completed and a borrower can have access to their cash, many times, the same day. Without lengthy credit checks and employment verifications, car title loans are the perfect solution to those who suffer from bad credit and are in need of funds quickly.

When you have a financial emergency and bad credit looms, a title loan is the solution. Lenders do not need borrowers with great credit. They do not even need borrowers who are employed as long as they have a vehicle with a clear title. In these cases, car title loans are the best option.

Embassy Loans is a leading provider of auto title loans since 2005


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Embassy Loans Inc. is licensed under the “Florida Consumer Finance Act” and as such Embassy Loans is exempt from any licensing requirements under the “Florida Title Loan Act” to the extent that any of Embassy Loans’ activities involve the making of a loan of money to a consumer secured by bailment of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle.

Monthly Interest Rates range from 1.5% to 2.5% (18% to 30% APR), with 15-18 Month Terms.

No Prepayment Penalties!

Embassy Loans uses “Title Loans” for advertisement purposes only and provides auto equity loans. Embassy Loans Inc. is licensed under the “Florida Consumer Finance Act” under Florida Statute 516 and as such Embassy Loans is exempt from any licensing requirements under the “Florida Title Loan Act” to the extent that any of Embassy Loans’ activities involve the making of a loan of money to a consumer secured by bailment of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Auto Equity Loan?

An auto equity loan, sometimes known as a car title loan or a car equity loan, is a type of loan that allows you to borrow money by using your vehicle as collateral. The loan is secured by your vehicle, meaning you agree to use the equity in your car to back the loan. 

What is an Unsecured Personal Loan

An unsecured personal loan is a loan that does not require collateral. Funds are provided based on your credit worthiness and your ability to repay. 

What Is the Credit Builder Program

The credit builder program is designed to help individuals establish or improve their credit score with the primary purpose of building a positive credit history through regular payments.

Can i have more than one Loan at a time?

Embassy Loans can only extend one loan at a time and it’s advisable to start with one and focus on making payments in a timely manner to prevent default.

What happens if I miss a payment?

Missing a payment can have negative consequences, including late fees, a drop in your credit score, and potential default on the loan. Consistent, on-time payments are crucial to benefit from the program.