You Can Get A Loan In Spite Of Bad Credit
So your credit score isn’t good. You’ve had some problems, and you need some cash to help get it all behind you. No one loans to someone with bad credit, right? Well, it turns out that’s wrong.Embassy Loans understands that good people sometimes have a string of bad luck and need a helping hand to get back on track. That’s why we offer auto title loans. If you have a car with a clear title, we can help you unlock your money that’s trapped inside. Auto title loans are secured by the value of the car. No credit checks or high credit scores required. All we need is a little background information, some proof of ID like a drivers license, and a couple of utility bills to establish where you live. We’ll take a quick look at your car, and hold on to your title. Usually, in less than 24 hours, you’ll have cash in your hands.
Yes, you can get a loan in spite of bad credit, but here’s the best part. Get a loan from Embassy and pay it off on time, and you are on you way to fixing that credit rating. Unlike many title loan firms, we report those good results to the credit bureaus. Want more details about how we can help? Give us a call at 866-277-5797 or fill out the Get Cash Now form and we’ll get started today.