(833) 839-2274  157 N State Road 7, Plantation, FL 33317

BlogBlogWhy You Want a Title Loan

Why You Want a Title Loan

Title Loans vs Credit CardsTitle loans have a bad reputation.  Your friends will tell you they are a rip-off and numerous articles warn you how “bad” they are.  The problem is none of those friends or articles can tell you where you are supposed to borrow money when times are tough.  Especially in Florida, where the industry is heavily regulated, title loans are actually a great choice.  There is no easier, faster, or more hassle free loan available to folks with a less than perfect credit score.
So what makes a title loan such a good choice?  There are five key features that make it the best loan for quick cash:
Credit History Doesn’t Matter
If your credit scores need some improvement, you are going to find it very hard to get a loan from your bank or credit union.  Even with collateral and a good job, poor credit history almost always makes it impossible to get bank approval.  With a title loan, on the other hand, your credit is not a factor.  You are using your car title to guarantee that you will pay back the loan.  That means the loan is based on the value in your car, not your payment history.
Most People Get Approved
Title loans have a very high approval rate because it’s really all about the value of the car.  Your car has to be valuable enough to secure the amount you want to borrow.  If you ask for a reasonable amount in comparison to the car’s value (and most people do), you are on your way to loan approval.
Low Interest Rates
If you deal with a title loan company that is licensed in the state of Florida, they are required by law to charge no more than 30% interest per year on the first $2000 borrowed.  If you borrow more, the maximum allowable rates dip to as low as 18% the part of the loan that exceeds $3000.  At Embassy loans, our rates are even less! While title loan rates in other states can rise to +200% and deserve a bad reputation, Embassy charges less than many bank credit cards.
Custom Amounts
Many loan companies will push you to borrow too much.  Let’s face it the more you borrow, the more they make.  At Embassy, we lend amounts as low as $500 to as high as $10,000. Customize it to what you can afford.  You can also adjust the length of the loans from as little as 3 months to as long as 14 months.  Borrow your way.
If you need cash now, a title loan is your answer.  What other kind of loan can you get cash in your hand in just a few hours?  In just a couple of simple steps, you get your loan approved and the money is yours.
What are you waiting for?  If you need money now, title loans are the way to go, and Embassy is the industry leader.  Give our team a call at 833-839-2274 or fill out the loan request form above and one of our team members will contact you shortly!

Embassy Loans is a leading provider of auto title loans since 2005


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Embassy Loans Inc. is licensed under the “Florida Consumer Finance Act” and as such Embassy Loans is exempt from any licensing requirements under the “Florida Title Loan Act” to the extent that any of Embassy Loans’ activities involve the making of a loan of money to a consumer secured by bailment of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle.

Monthly Interest Rates range from 1.5% to 2.5% (18% to 30% APR), with 15-18 Month Terms.

No Prepayment Penalties!

Embassy Loans uses “Title Loans” for advertisement purposes only and provides auto equity loans. Embassy Loans Inc. is licensed under the “Florida Consumer Finance Act” under Florida Statute 516 and as such Embassy Loans is exempt from any licensing requirements under the “Florida Title Loan Act” to the extent that any of Embassy Loans’ activities involve the making of a loan of money to a consumer secured by bailment of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle.

© 2025 · Embassy Loans · Site built by DMA

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Auto Equity Loan?

An auto equity loan, sometimes known as a car title loan or a car equity loan, is a type of loan that allows you to borrow money by using your vehicle as collateral. The loan is secured by your vehicle, meaning you agree to use the equity in your car to back the loan. 

What is an Unsecured Personal Loan

An unsecured personal loan is a loan that does not require collateral. Funds are provided based on your credit worthiness and your ability to repay. 

What Is the Credit Builder Program

The credit builder program is designed to help individuals establish or improve their credit score with the primary purpose of building a positive credit history through regular payments.

Can i have more than one Loan at a time?

Embassy Loans can only extend one loan at a time and it’s advisable to start with one and focus on making payments in a timely manner to prevent default.

What happens if I miss a payment?

Missing a payment can have negative consequences, including late fees, a drop in your credit score, and potential default on the loan. Consistent, on-time payments are crucial to benefit from the program.