When You Need A Source Of Fast Cash
In today’s unstable economy, there may come a time when you require a source of immediate cash. It may be to cover the rent, for an unforeseen medical expense, or maybe even for a vehicle repair bill. Whatever the circumstance may be, Embassy Loans has a solution. Here are some sources of quick cash when you find yourself in a bind.
Small Loans From Financial Institutions
More and more banks and credit unions are offering small dollar loans ranging from a few hundred dollars to $1,000 or more. Financial institutions are providing these loans because of a growing demand for quick sources of smaller amounts of money. These loans are affordable with APRs ranging from five percent to 35 percent. Be sure to shop around for the best available rate. Paying off one of these loans can be great for a borrower’s credit.
Payday Loans
Another source of fast cash is a payday loan. This is a small dollar, unsecured loan against a borrower’s paycheck. They are sometimes referred to as “cash advances” as a lender loans money on a future paycheck. A payday loan can be a good quick source of much needed funds, but borrowers need to be careful so they do not fall into a cycle of payday borrowing.
Cash Advance From Employer
While it may be a little difficult going in to ask the boss for an advance on your paycheck, the worst that he or she can say is “no.” If you are a good employee in good standing, it will not hurt to ask for an advance against your next paycheck. In this case, an advance from your employer is most likely a one-time deal. You probably don’t want to make this a habit.
A Car Title Loan
Many people are probably not aware that they can obtain vehicle title loans. Embassy Loans offers car title loans to those in need of quick source of emergency funds. A title loan can be acquired rather easily if you happen to be the owner of a vehicle. Car and truck owners offer up their vehicle as collateral. An application is of course necessary, as well as a clear title on the vehicle. There are a few other requirements, but the process is fairly straightforward and simple. Borrowers who find themselves in a financial mess will receive their money very quickly and can use it to meet their obligations.