Pay Your Medical Expenses With A Car Title Loan
Among the biggest causes of financial disaster are unexpected illnesses, accidents, or injuries that can leave an individual or family with a mountain of expenses. The situation can be made even worse if that person is uninsured or under-insured. Even with insurance these days, medical bills can pile up and leave a family in dire financial straits.
When medical emergencies arise and the bills start to mount, there are a few options that a person may have available to them. Though there may be family or friends that can help with expenses, most often this is not the case. A loan from a bank or credit union is usually a much more viable option. However, with stricter lending guidelines nowadays, borrowing from your financial institution is not easy.
Among the easiest and most often overlooked methods of accessing emergency cash is through a car title loan. Auto title loans are secured loans in which an individual who owns a car outright can use it as collateral. Those who need emergency funds and own a car with a clear title can visit a title loan company such as Embassy Loans of Florida.
Potential borrowers can fill out an application at one of the conveniently located offices of Embassy Loans or they can visit the company’s website,, and complete the application online. It takes just a few minutes to fill out the application and begin the loan process.
Once the application is completed, applicants will have to provide a few documents to Embassy Loans. The title to the vehicle, of course, is one document that will be needed as will a form of photo identification and proof of residency. When an applicant’s residency and identity have been confirmed, the car or truck that is being used as collateral must be inspected.
The car is looked over to make sure that it matches the title first. After that, the vehicle is assessed for its value. This is important as this appraisal will determine how much can be borrowed. With the vehicle appraised, the loan can then be finalized. At the end of the process the borrower will sign the final loan documents and receive the cash.
The entire process normally takes an hour to fully complete. On many occasions, a person can apply and receive the loan proceeds within a few hours. Once received, those proceeds can go towards those medical bills. For individuals or families that need quick cash to pay for an emergency medical procedure or an important prescription, a car title loan could be the answer to their problems.