Save Your Cash During Back to School Shopping
It is that time of year again…time to send the kids back to school. If you are like most Florida parents, however, you may be struggling to make ends meet during this time of year. Going back to school can be expensive when you add in new clothes, school supplies, school fees and the additional burden of lunch money. In fact, it could be several hundreds of dollars worth of strain on your finances. Fortunately, there are some things you can do in order to save some money during this time:
1. Make a List and Budget
One of the best things you can do when it comes to going back to school shopping is to make a list of everything you need, as well as a budget, and stick to it. Yes, those pencils that light up might look cool, but they will also be several dollars more than the plain pencils. Though one or two splurges may be okay, you can be quite sure that your child will learn the same exact things whether or not they have a light-up pencil.
2. Use the Internet and Phone Apps
There are many internet sites that allow you to compare prices from store to store at home. If you have a smartphone, you can also download apps that can do the same thing. Most of these services are free and you can save a lot of money.
3. Don’t Buy Just to Save
You will probably run into some great sales along the way and you should definitely shop those sales. However, you are also going to have to be careful that you aren’t buying something simply because it is on sale. For instance, you may run into pants that are 50% off, but if you know there is no way your child will wear them due to color or style, it is likely going to just be a waste.
Those tips above can help you save a lot of money, but sometimes that isn’t enough to make ends meet. If you need a short term loan during this time, that is also possible too. With Embassy Loans, you can get a car title loan that is short term, even if you don’t have good credit. Contact Embassy Loans today to see if you qualify.