Choose an Online Car Title Loan
If you have been researching car title loans, you know that they are relatively easy to obtain and extremely quick to process. Now, you can complete the entire process from the comforts of your couch or armchair. As one of Florida’s leading consumer finance companies, Embassy Loans allows its customers to complete the car title loan process online. Customers must meet certain requirements to qualify.
Vehicle Requirements
To qualify for an online car title loan, your vehicle must be a 2003 model or newer. It can have no more than 170,000 miles and must be in good condition. The final requirement is related to the vehicle’s title. You must possess a clear Florida title, meaning that the title must be free of any liens.
Customer Requirements
To take out a car title loan at Embassy Loans, you must have a smartphone or tablet that has a camera or have a computer and a digital camera. You will be required to take 15 pictures of your vehicle. Once you have those, you will email and upload those pictures so that Embassy Loans can analyze them. You must be comfortable completing these tasks as they are an important part of the online car title loan process.
Beginning the Process
If your vehicle meets the requirements and you are comfortable taking pictures and sending them, you can start the process by filling out the application. The application can be found on Embassy’s website and takes just a few minutes to complete. When you are contacted by an agent from Embassy Loans, let them know you are interested in online Florida car title loans.
Why Choose Embassy Loans
At Embassy Loans, you can secure an online car title loan with an interest rate that will never exceed 30 percent per year. There are several options for repayment, and you always get to keep your car while you repay the loan. Should you choose to pay the loan off before the end of the term, there is never a prepayment penalty.
What If I Don’t Meet the Requirements?
If you don’t meet all the requirements for an online loan, don’t worry. You can still complete the application on the Embassy Loans website. When contacted, let Embassy Loans know that you are interested in a Florida auto title loan. You will still need to provide documentation, and you will also need to take your vehicle to an inspection station – Embassy Loans has 31 throughout Florida – to complete the loan process.