Buying a Car with Bad Credit
If you or a member of your family needs a car, but your credit is poor, you may begin to realize that your options are limited. Buying a used car with financing from your lending institution requires, at the very least, a marginal credit history. Still, there are some things that you can do to increase the likelihood of buying a car with bad credit.
Improve your credit score. If you can afford to wait a few months before purchasing, you can start by trying to improve your credit score. Order your credit reports from the three reporting bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Go through each report and verify that they are correct. You may find some discrepancies that you can dispute. Disputing these inaccuracies and removing them from your credit history can increase your credit scores.
Save for a large down payment. Again, if you can wait a few months or more, you need to plan ahead by saving for a down payment. In cases where a buyer has poor credit, the loan company will expect a large down payment. The more you put down; the more likely a lender will be willing to approve your loan. As you save, keep in mind that you will need to pay for extras like insurance, tax, title, and tags.
Visit a used car dealership. Search for used car dealers in your area. They are usually not hard to find. Used car dealers often work with sub-prime lenders that can work with buyers who have poor credit. Look for a used car dealer that specializes in bad credit financing and only apply to one dealer at a time. Each dealer will check your credit history, and those multiple inquiries can help to lower your credit scores.
Consider a co-signer. Any loan can have a co-signer, someone who agrees to take responsibility for the loan as if he or she was borrowing the money. A friend or family member may agree to co-sign an auto loan with you, but they must realize that they are on the hook should you fail to repay.
Consider a car title loan. If you already own a vehicle and are considering purchasing another, you may be able to use the equity in your existing car to make the purchase. Embassy Loans has helped tens of thousands of customers access cash for a variety of reasons. Car title loans are easy to apply for and are processed very quickly, often within a day or two. Learn more to find out if this may be an option for you.