Why Your Vehicle’s Title and Registration Are Important
As the owner of a vehicle, you are surely aware of a certain number of documents that come with that ownership. There is the vehicle title, its registration, proof of insurance, and your driver’s license. All of these papers are important, and you should care for each in a certain way. Some of your documentation should be kept with you and ride in your vehicle with you. Others should not.
Your Vehicle Title
The title to your vehicle proves that you are the owner. It is the most important document related to your car or truck. Your title is necessary when you sell the vehicle. If you decide to use the vehicle as collateral for a car title loan, you will need to prove that you own the car. Embassy Loans requires that you have the title to complete the loan process. You should never leave your title in your vehicle. Keep it locked away in a safe place. Replacing a lost title is usually time-consuming and frustrating. Avoid having to replace it by keeping it at home or in a safe deposit box.
Your Vehicle Registration
States require that you register your vehicle with the state department of motor vehicles. In most states, you must register the vehicle on an annual basis. You should keep the registration document that you receive in your vehicle at all times. If you are stopped by law enforcement, failure to prove that a vehicle is registered to you can result in a fine.
Your Insurance Information
Most states will not allow you to purchase a vehicle until you can prove that you have paid for insurance on it. Your insurance company will provide you with a card or document that shows you do have insurance. Like registration, you usually renew insurance on an annual basis. Your insurance documentation should be kept in your vehicle. Failure to show your proof of insurance to a law enforcement officer can also result in a fine.
Your Driver’s License
In order to drive a motor vehicle, state law requires that an individual possesses a driver’s license. You must be of a certain age (whatever your state requires) and pass certain tests to receive a license. You should keep your driver’s license with you at all times since it serves other purposes. Not only does it permit you to drive, but it’s also most individuals’ primary form of identification.
Keep your driver’s license with you at all times. Your vehicle registration and proof of insurance should remain in your vehicle at all times, and your title should be kept somewhere safe and somewhere where you can access it relatively quickly.