Are You A Candidate For A Title Loan?
If you are currently having difficulty making your rent payment, as well as your other monthly bills, you have a few different options. You could also go the conventional route and attempt to get a small loan from a financial institution. Many banks do not even offer the opportunity to borrow small sums, like $1,000, of money. The other problem that you may run into is going through a credit and background check. You will need to have job to prove that you have the income to repay the loan. If unemployment is part of your financial problem, you will not be able to secure a bank loan.
There are some other alternatives. If you are employed, you could always ask your employer for an advance on your pay. This can be tricky and will depend on your employer and your relationship with him (or her). If successful, obtaining a cash advance from your boss if probably a one-time thing. You do not want to send the wrong message to your boss and put your job in jeopardy.
If you are unemployed and have a less than stellar credit rating, there is still hope. You may be a candidate for an auto title loan. Many potential borrowers may not even realize that this type of loan exists, but a vehicle title loan in Florida is an option for those needing emergency cash. A title loan does not require a credit check. The loan is secured by offering a vehicle as collateral. If a potential borrower has a vehicle with a clear title, an auto title loan is possible.
For those without a job, this type of collateral loan can help in an emergency situation. With a bank loan, the lender will ask for documentation about your income. They have to make sure that you can repay the loan. If you are unemployed, there is no way that you would qualify for a conventional loan. A title loan, though, does not require the borrower to have a job, just a car or truck.
You are definitely a candidate for a title loan if you need cash and need it fast. Another of the great benefits of doing this type of loan is the speedy closing. Applications can be processed in a matter of minutes and are normally closed within an hour.
If you meet these criteria, you could be a candidate for a vehicle title loan from Embassy Loans.